After most of the year deliberating the California Senate is now passing AB5, a law that is expected to solve problems for contractor from companies like Uber, Lyft and Doordash. In a historic victory, workers in these companies and others like them are likely to be considered employees, who are entitled to the benefits and protections that the statute suggests.
Gig platforms like these have been the subject of increasing criticism that the businesses rely on the misclassification of their workforce as independent contractors, while depriving workers of all significant self-determination of value — a key element of a truly independent entrepreneur. The lack of minimum protections at work has allowed carpool drivers to pay out of pocket for associated costs such as gasoline and vehicle preservation, while platforms determine how and when they shuttle passengers and can fire them at any time for any reason. This unbalanced ness leads to new leadership in the global protests of this disappearing workforce, which, at least in California, finally sees some relief.
The bill, introduced at the California State Conference in January by Assembly Lorena Gonzalez, still needs another passage on the Assembly and Governor Gavin Newsom’s. However, he has recently expressed his support for the initiative, and it is expected that the House will easily adopt the Senate version.
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